Rocket To Earth

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Rocket To Earth
Prod No: 9522
Season: 2
Air Date: 02/15/1967
Writers: Barney Slater
Director: Don Richardson
Principal Cast: John Robinson (Guy Williams)

Maureen Robinson (June Lockhart)

Judy Robinson (Marta Kristen)

Penny Robinson (Angela Cartwright)

Will Robinson (Billy Mumy)

Zachary Smith (Jonathan Harris)

Robot B-9 (Bob May Dick Tufeld (voice))

Supporting Cast: Al Lewis as Zalto
Preceded By: The Space Vikings
Followed By: The Cave of The Wizards

Rocket To Earth is an episode of Lost In Space.


Smith plays sorcerer's apprentice to a space magician, hoping to steal his spaceship and return to Earth. However, the ship is programmed to self-destruct when it reaches space.

