Curse of Cousin Smith

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Curse of Cousin Smith
Prod No: 9510
Season: 2
Air Date: 11/16/1966
Writers: Barney Slater
Director: Justis Addiss
Principal Cast: John Robinson (Guy Williams)

Maureen Robinson (June Lockhart)

Judy Robinson (Marta Kristen)

Penny Robinson (Angela Cartwright)

Will Robinson (Billy Mumy)

Zachary Smith (Jonathan Harris)

Robot B-9 (Bob May Dick Tufeld (voice))

Supporting Cast: Allan Melvin as Little Joe

Henry Jones as Jeremiah Smith

Preceded By: The Thief From Outer Space
Followed By: West of Mars

Curse of Cousin Smith is an episode of Lost In Space.


Dr. Smith's cousin Jeremiah drops in by parachute and attempts to rob Smith of their aunt's inheritance — which they almost lose by betting against a robot gambling machine.

An "alien" that Smith is terrified of turns out to be his cousin Jeremiah, who is in cahoots with an intergalactic Mafia in an attempt to murder Dr. Smith and claim his family inheritance.



It interesting that of the whole planet, Jeremiah is jettisoned within a scant distance of the ship.

Where did Jeremiah go at the end of the episode? You would think he would stay with the Robinsons... fellow humans. Did he hitch a ride with another ship? Why didn't John and Don ask for fuel or at least directions?

Jeremiah says that he hasn't tasted coffee since he visited the planet Tauron.

Maureen uses an automatic dishwashing machine. She puts in the dishes and in less than 15 seconds, they are clean.

Jeremiah claims that his and Zachary's "back problems" are hereditary.

They spent a great deal of time together as children.

Maureen believes that cream pie is Dr. Smith's favorite dessert.

The Robot says it goes back to GREAT Aunt Maude Smith. Rich, arrogant, untrustworthy... a true Smith. She lived to be 110. Jeremiah thought she would never pass on. The sole surviving Smith would receive her entire fortune.

Will says that Dr. Smith may be a lot of things, but he's not a murderer. Tell that to the guard he knocked out on the ship. What does Will think he was doing on board the ship?

Jeremiah contacts Little Joe on a radio (voice by Alan Melvin). Smith requests Little Joe sends him a gambling machine. He wants Aunt Maude's fortune to pay off his gambling debt to Little Joe. Since when is money from Earth accepted as currency on other worlds?

At one time there were 10 cousins (potential heirs) alive. They met to solve their differences. According to Jeremiah, what happened between them made the St. Valentine's Day Massacre look like a tea party.

Z: "She always meant to leave her fortune to me." J: "That's a lie, I was always her favorite nephew." Z: "She always meant to leave her money to me. After all... who was at her bedside at the end?" J: "You were. You were. The old lady'd still be alive if it weren't for you. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if there weren't a little foul play involved." Z: "Are you accusing me? You gave her the medecine, remember? And right after that, she had the relapse." J: "The coroner's inquest found me innocent." Z: "A foul miscarriage of justice. I've known you were guilty for years. Assassin! Murderer! Monster!" J: "You take that back or I'll take you apart." Z: "I thrashed you when were were youngsters, and I can do it again!" J: "I bloodied your nose, and I can do that again!"

Jeremiah tells Little Joe that Zachary is a compulsive gambler.

The gambling machine dispenses some sort of paper currency.

Dr. Smith states that there are 180 days until Christmas.

They both claim that the other is older.

John: "I can't let the machine kill Jeremiah or Smith, can I?"

John went to school with a boy who's father owned a carnival. He taught John how to play the shells.

Henry Jones